Year: 2018 | Month: June | Volume 8 | Issue 3

Histo-enzymatic Characterization of Small Intestine of Neonatal Piglets

DOI:Coming soon...


The present study was conducted on eight numbers of 0 and 7 day old neonatal piglets consisting of four animals in each group, irrespective of sex. Alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase have been investigated in the small intestine by means of light microscopic histochemistry. The reactivity of alkaline phosphatase was intense in absorptive epithelium, dome epithelium (DE) of the small intestine. The T-cell area and the neck portion of the lymphoid follicle showed a positive reaction. This activity was moderate in dome and follicular area of Peyer’s patches whereas weak to negative activity was observed in interfollicular area and glandular epithelium throughout all segments of the small intestine in both the groups. The acid phosphatase activity was intense in glandular epithelium and absorptive epithelium; strong in dome area of Peyer’s patches and FAE; moderate in follicular and interfollicular areas of Peyer’s patches of small intestine.

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